Terrine mit karamellisierten Birnen in Honig aus dem Lunéron, Fourme d’Ambert und hausgemachtes Quittenbrot

Terrine mit karamellisierten Birnen in Honig aus dem Lunéron, Fourme d’Ambert und hausgemachtes Quittenbrot Drucken Sie das Rezept


  • 400 g Birnen
  • 2 g Agar Agar oder gelbes Pektin
  • 150 g Fourme d’Ambert
  • 200 g Quitten
  • 200 g Zucker
  • 100 g Rohrzucker
  • 300 g junge Spinatblätter
  • 3 Suppenlöffel Honig


  1. Caramelise the pears in frothy and lightly browned honey. When the pear juice has reduced slightly, add the brown sugar and pectin mix. Cook for 3 minutes. Remove from pan when done.
  2. Leave to chill in the fridge for a few hours until set. Cover your work surface in cling film and roll out the mix to create a thin sheet.
  3. Arrange the caramelised pears lengthways along a strip. Note: keep the pear away from the edges so that you can still roll and slice the terrine.
  4. Carefully cut La Fourme d’Ambert lengthways and arrange on top of the pear.
  5. Roll the pear/Fourme d’Ambert in the sheet, repeating twice.
  6. To serve : add lightly seasoned spinach shoots and serve with the homemade quince paste.

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